Wednesday, 7 September 2016

How to choose Right Colours for your Skin Tone

How to bundle up perfect hues for your skin tone, whether you’re bed sheet pale or the colour of black coffee?

Before you end up buying the entire shop or an outlet make sure you are fully aware of the type of colours that can highlight your own skin tone. Choosing the wrong colour can make your own complexion and hair appear dull, while right colours will add spark and pinch of vibrancy to your look. Let’s look at these simple trickeries that can assist you in uncovering the right colours that flatter your skin tone, in terms of clothes, jewellery, make up and most notably your hair colour.

An illustration showing how to find you skin tone

Determining Your Skin Tone

We all are aware of the fact that there are varied shades of skin, but we only take into consideration the two undertones. Easy enough! It’s the shade of undertones that matters, making the process much easier. Strike straight and turn your handover, palm up, taking an eyeball at the underside of your wrist. What are the colours of the veins? If they are blue or purple, you’re cool toned, if green or in a side of yellow, you’re warm toned. Bang on!
A hand in sunlight and highlighting its veins

Cool cape: Cool toned women, look absolutely stunning in what we consider “cool” or neutral colours – white, black, gray, charcoal, navy, royal etc. Think of all the colours that give you reminisce of water, sea, earth and sky. You can’t go wrong with these shades, so don’t dwell far too much on this. If you are looking for metallic shades, gold and silver is your thing.

Warm wind: Warm toned women look eye-catchy in organic, earthy colours that highlight their skin tone – cream, sunny yellow, blueberry violet, orange, brown, dark leafy green, and that shade of red maple leaves that autumn brings along. Heathery or camel brown and shades of taupe are also in your treasure. When in doubt, go with them. Rose gold and heaps of yellow will give your skin tone an edge. Try these too!

Shady Things: Basic undertones are the best to start from, but when it comes to intermixing colours and experimentation, keep this in mind that different shades of colours brings out different crossovers, either cool or warm. It’s specifically important to consider this colour theory when you are about to pick your signature colour of lipstick. You can’t afford to get wrong with your lip colour!

Choosing Colours That Works for You Skin Tone

Have you ever noticed someone intermixing two colours that you would never have thought looked great together? That’s because they took fair chances of understanding their undertone with the help of colour wheel. Colour mixing is a huge piece of cake for the past so many decades, so it worth the efforts to understand the formula behind how colours work off each other. If you consider segregating the colour wheel in half, you’ll see half of the side is pooled with warm colours and the other half with cool ones.

Choose a colour on the colour wheel; trace your finger over that line of colour to its direct opposite. You’ll land straight to its contrasting colour; one warm and one cool, that’ll pull off any look if worked symmetrically. For your most blandish look, put the colour that works best with your skin tone closest to your face and arrange the other colour further away. For example, choose the warm tone of your earrings, necklace and camisole, and the complementary tone for your bottom, handbag and shoes. Cool? Good.
showing a detailed color wheel

Now, if you want to know the series or palette of colors that can be put together to bring about that classy look. Pick another color on the color wheel; now look to the color directly to the right and to the left of it. These are the original color's equivalent. If it’s homologous on the color wheel, it will work in your outfit also. Make sure you stick to your side of skin tone, to bring out those palettes.

OK! That wasn’t so hard. Satisfied are you? Now go try out these simple mantras that will do wonders in depicting the best color for your complexion.
Different tones and their best jewelry options

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